Sunday 19 February 2012

Loch Lochy

Urquhart castle
Today I went down to Lochaber to cycle around Loch Lochy. It was a splendid day with bright sunshine in the Great Glen on the way down, so I stopped to take photos of Urquhart castle. It was in contrast to yesterday when on the club run conditions were so harsh, with wind driven sleet, that about half the squad turned back at Beauly.
Urquhart castle

 I parked my car at the North end of the Loch and cycled across the lock gate to join the Great Glen way. This was mostly on forest track with some deviations due to felling operations.

Ben Nevis in cloud

The road went quite high up the hills behind and gave good views. I could see across to Ben Nevis and Anoch Mhor though they were in the cloud all day.

Probably the best part was the far end of the loch where you could get on a path right down by the loch. This went through some deciduous woodland.

I also took a detour up the dark mile, the Mile Dorcha, so called because of its thick moss and overhanging trees. This is clan Cameron land and the clan museum is nearby at Achnacarry. It has an avenue of beeches which the Gentle Locheil , one of the leaders of the Jacobite rebellion,was planting before the '45. If you look at them they start off planted regularly then become less ordered further down the drive. The tradition is that Locheil managed to plant the first trees but when the rebellion set in, he never got an opportunity to complete the task, and they grew from their temporary planting positions. The Witches falls are also on this road.

The Dark Mile

The Witch's Falls

Further down the road to Gairlochy is rejoined. From Gairlochy the route is uphill with great views onto the Grey Corries 

Lock gates at Gairlochy

and Ben Nevis. This section of the road was delightfully sunny. Eventually the main road was reached at the commando monument and  I was able to motor up this side of the Loch on a super fast return. All in all a varied and enjoyable route with plenty of historical associations.

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