Thursday 2 February 2012

Around Loch Affric

Putting up some photos from the ride around Loch Affric which I did a couple of weeks ago. Great ride. Easy track on one side of the loch with moderately technical return on the other side. I also cycled out to the Youth hostel which is closed, to May I think. It was cold and I was continuously breaking through ice into water, the splashed water freezing on my shins, but as you can see it was a stunning day. It was great to see  the remnants of the Caledonian forest as I have been reading Jim Crumley's book about it.

Sgurr na Lapaich

Bridge to cross at the end of the loch with Strawberry cottage behind

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 The youth hostel
View down the lochs on the return path

Looking towards Kintail from the youth hostel

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