Sunday 5 February 2012


Went up into Glenfeshie today. I was originally intending to do the Ryvoan Feshie bridge loop but it was raining at Coylum bridge and looked better south. The weather was indeed much better on that side of the Cairngorms. I found the single track quite challenging in places, very stony with plenty of ice about. I went as far up the Glen as I could before being stopped at a ford that I couldn't cross and stay dry. A lot of storm damage was in evidence higher up the glen with trees lying uprooted or many with broken branches hanging exposing the red Scots pine in gashes. Lower down I tried to cross a precarious looking ice bridge but gave up after my foot went through the ice twice leaving me with one wet foot. The bridge near the lodge had also fallen down which meant I couldn't cross to the other side and ended up cycling back the way I came.

Burns turned to ice in Glen Feshie

Ice in the Feshie

Torn up trees by the river

A view back down the single track


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